Monday, February 11, 2008

Play-group with a Purpose!

Play-group with a purpose is a little thing God put on my heart before I had Ruthie. My church always had an evening women's Bible Study, but since Tony and I were already so busy, we were protecting our obligation-free weeknights. So, I was unable to attend. That is what lead me to think about such a thing. It's basically a morning Bible study where you can bring your kids and they can play while the mommies dig into God's word. It's pretty cool. It's really relaxed (especially when we have a sweet interruption from one of our precious kiddos) but we're all there to dig deeper into God's word, and grow closer to His Son.

We met a couple of times before Christmas and then had a break for the holiday season. But, we're back and we're growing!! We've just started Beth Moore's study: Stepping UpIt's a study of the Psalms of Ascent. We've had 2 sessions so far and BOY DOES GOD USE HER!!! She is such an inspiration. I love that we dig, and dig deep with her studies.

We started out last November with 4 people (including myself). And we lost 2 of those due to scheduling and other things. But this study has brought six (including myself)! And, others may still come! Mind you, I know it's not about the plain number of people attending, but I must say that these 5 other women are such wonderful Bible Study-ers!! I have to give a shout out to my Sister-in-law Mardi- Loved having you there today!!! and my friend Kara and her son Carson!!! They have joined us and it is so much fun to watch Carson and Ruthie playing together on their fluffy blanket!

If you're looking for an awesome study that will have you digging deep, try this one from Beth!!! She's the best!!

This pic is from last session- notice Ruthie has her binkie in her mouth and has Carson's binkie in her hand... You have to give it to her for knowing what she wants when she sees it!! :)


Alana said...

I love it! Beth Moore studies are great. I'm glad you are enjoying your time with other Christian Moms.

Can't see the pic??

Janelle said...

I need to find a Beth study. I am feeling dry! I love the way she teaches.

Carson and Ruthie look made for each other!