Saturday, September 12, 2009

Ruthie's happenings...

Ruthie has been talking up a storm... she's always talking (she gets that from her daddy!) But just recently she's really trying to communicate in sentences!! I love to watch her try out language, especially when she learns a new word's meaning.... She repeats it a bunch!!

She's been saying recently:

"oh, I didn't know that" (what gets me is that she uses it appropriately)
"spib" (spit- as we're working on spitting out fluoride toothpaste and not swallowing it!)
"Tony" "Teresa" "Babe" "Honey" (she's been using all our names... it's so funny. She tries them out and then looks at us to see if it's ok!! It's really hard not to laugh because she so stinking cute!)
"dad" "mom" (ditto above)

She's also graduated into a big girl bed. We have just a mattress and box springs on the floor for now. Didn't want her to fall out too far!! She's done great with it.. except for getting out of bed!! It is crazy. Some nights after we finish our night time routine (which has been the same since she was a little baby) she goes right to sleep... as if it were easy peasy. Then other nights, it takes both of us working in tandem two hours to get her to sleep. She just seems to FIGHT it. If we say do it this way, she does it that way. UGGG!! She's doing well sleeping in the bed, and doesn't fall out. But, some nights I'm tempted to install a safety system that includes duck tape... or at the very least velcro!! :)

Her first night in a big girl bed!

Emma Kate is 5 months old!!

Well our little Emma Cake (as Ruthie calls her) is 5 months old... and yet again, I'm totally late in posting it!! :) She has done great during her fourth month and hit a lot of milestones!! :)

* she started eating cereal (rice) I didn't think she was quite ready for it, but after sleeping about 12 hours through the night, she began to wake up to eat every 2 hours. The doc said that she was hungry. So we started w/ cereal and that seems to have done the trick. She's back to sleeping well again each night!

* She has rolled over both ways now (tummy to back, and back to tummy!) She will be a rolly-polly soon!

* She continues to suck her fingers and love on the lovie... she particularly likes this one, but has a second favorite that she loves too!

* she started taking her baths w/ Sissy...She really likes that and it makes bath time oh-so-much easier!

* She graduated out of her bassinet and went into her crib!! (Means that Ruthie moved from her crib to a big girl bed... )

* She is a little smiler and loves to laugh. She is ticklish and it is soooo much fun to hear her belly laugh. What a sweet little girl who is very easy and laid back. She just wants to be with you... enjoying life!

Going night-night in my big, roomy crib!!

"What? you want me to roll over? Well, I'm sucking on my fingers... I guess I can do both at the same time!" Part 1

Rolling over part 2

Rolling over part 3

Ruthie and Emma