You know how you are BEFORE you have kids?
"Look at that child... MY CHILD WILL NEVER _____________ " You can fill in the blank with the appropriate thing. Sometimes I would fill in the blank with, "act that way" or "dress like that" or "make that face" or "talk to me like that" or "lie like that" etc...
So, Today was the day, the first one where my sweet precious and somewhat innocent little girl made me a liar!! I have often looked at the way other children are dressed when they are taken out and said, "my children will never look like that. Boy, what is that mom doing, can't she just wipe the kid's face for pity sake?"
As I said, Today was the day.
I ate my words.
They tasted... well at least I could laugh at it.
Ok, here's what happened. As I was running errands today, my sweet little Ruthie was behaving wonderfully, as usual. She loves to go out and about and watch people and look at things. She is a very good baby and a joy to take out of the house. Today she got a little cranky, as it was almost nap time, I understood. Trying to distract her, I gave Ruthie her juice cup. She loves her juice cup and usually drinks it up. If she's not drinking then she's teething on it. Either way, she's happy. And today proved no different. All the way through the store as I looked at one thing or another she was as happy as could be, drinking away.
She's always getting attention, so it was no surprise to me that everyone stopped and commented on how cute she was in her stroller. She had on this lovely summer outfit (yes, it was about 87 degrees here today) and a white bow in her hair to match. The only thing that I didn't like was she was barefoot. No big deal, I know she's not even pretending to walk yet, so her virgin feet never "hit" the floor. But, as I said, I take pride in the way Ruthie is always put together (wish I could say that about myself!).
Once we got out to the car, I unloaded our items, and went to put her in her car seat I realized what was keeping my precious little one so happy in the store.
It seems that she has found a way to twist the sippy cup cap and had DUMPED THE ENTIRE CUP OF JUICE ALL OVER HER AND HER STROLLER!!! Yes, she was literally drenched! Not being the freak out kind, I talked to her in a very calm and loving voice, all the while thinking WE DO NOT HAVE TIME FOR THIS!!!
There I was stripping my baby down to her diapers, changing a poopy one in the back seat mind you, and realizing that we didn't have a change of clothes. Nada. Nothing. Zilch. Then, it started raining. NO LIE!!!
No problem, we're almost done. BUT, what am I going to do? Go home and get a change of clothes before continuing onto my last stop? No, she would never last that long and we would be interrupting nap time... a definite no-no! Go to Publix with her in her diaper? No, I couldn't do that. What about all the times where I'd seen other moms with kids in diapers and thought, "man, can't you just put something on that sweet baby? It's not her/his fault that you're so busy!"
With the full knowledge that I was going to be eating my words, I walked into Publix with my sweet girl in only a diaper. At least it was clean!
I just knew everyone was looking at me thinking what a horrible mom I was. Hey, at least she had a bow in her hair. Oh. Yes. She. Did.
Maybe next time I see something that "I would never do" I'll be a little slower to judge my fellow moms!!